Join Us

We want you to be part of our community! The best way to get involved is through our forum.

Feel free to just jump in with links below, but if you want an overview of our community, click here to see the "Guide for New Members".

Online Play

If you want to play online, you will need to "Get Up and Running with Discord", and then load a software package to "Get up and Running Online with GENs and SNES emulators (external link)". (If you are confused by the terminology, start with the 'Guide for New Members' link above.)

League Stats

If you join one of our online leagues, your stats and standings will be maintained on our database at Click here so see "Standings from last year", and imagine how cool it will be to track your own stats!

Mods and Hacks

Maybe you are more interested in playing some custom ROMS? Or learning how to make your own? Click here for "Custom ROMs and Hacks". (If you are confused by this terminology, start with the 'Guide for New Members' link above.)

Upcoming Events

There are always upcoming live events and online leagues. Click here to "See Upcoming Events".

The Forum

You can also just do your own self-guided tour. Click here to "View our Forum" and see what interests you? We have thousands of posts on pretty well every angle of this incredible game.

Welcome to the community!